It's 11:58 on New Year's Eve. 2 Minutes until a new decade begins and I'm sitting here reflecting. What have I accomplished in the past year? Did it make a difference? Was it enough? I never think it's enough, no matter how much I did and I'm sure we all feel that way. But I did accomplish somethings. I fought like a mama bear to get Jesse's formula approved for another year, I met some great people this year who I am hoping will become lifelong friends. Jadyn is almost reading fluently and Jesse is just sailing through his schoolwork, i'd say we had a very successful homeschooling year! I have tried to instill my morals and values in my children and hopefully have planted some seeds that will lead them to Christ and their own salvation and there is nothing more important than that. On a personal level I have lost 108 pounds in 2009, a new year's resolution that I make every year and never accomplished has now been accomplished and although I am very proud of that fact, I still have more to lose and am hoping to lose all the rest in 2010. They say life begins at 40 this year I will turn 40 so we will see what this year has in store for me..It is now midnight January 1st 2010...happy new year everyone!! I wish everyone health and blessings abundant for all of you. Another year has begun, let's start now and make it count!