Art Show Reception

All the homeschoolers that submitted art got together and took pictures for the local paper
and had a little get together with crafts and food and fun and laughter.

Jesse made a snow globe with a fish in it, among other things.

The kids with their art

Jadyn with her pink chick and orange cat.

Chimpanzee class and movie

Since Disney's Chimpanzee was being released we decided to have a class all about
Chimpanzees and study them and then go as a group to see the movie!

Miss Melissa did an awesome job organzing this class.

We learned so much about Chimps and all the kids were very interested.

Then we had a relay race, but had to walk like chimps.

Not to easy to run while you are holding onto your ankles.

Walking like Chimps

Comparing our hands to a Chimps hand print

Doing some fun crafty stuff

A homeschooler bringing attention to research being done on Chimpanzees and asking us to call our congress people to
stop it from happening. (So proud of her)

Then we all went to see the Chimpanzee movie. It was very cute, but really, why is it
that Disney always kills off the moms!!!  Oh well, it was a good movie nonetheless.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Enrich Art Show!!

Yesterday was set up day for the Enrich art show. Jadyn submitted a few pieces for display. There were so many fabulous entries. Here are a few pictures of us setting up and a few pictures of the artwork as well..there were way to many to picture here so if you are in the vicinity of the Warwick public library on Sandy Lane, check out the art. It will be there until April 22nd!

Working hard putting everything up, moms, dads and kids all helped out <3

This girl is AMAZING!! Very talented

Super Cool puppet!

Jadyn's entries, a picture of a library and a pink chick. LOL...she made a great picture of the eiffel tower during France week, but she didn't want to enter it, so there you go pink chickie you won!

I want this one

There will be a reception on Friday and I will take more pictures then! SO MUCH FUN!!